

Will you get on base or swing and miss? Either way, this game is a hit! Batter up!

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Will you get on base or swing and miss? Either way, this game is a hit! Batter up!

Will you get on base or swing and miss? Either way, this game is a hit! Batter up!


This baseball game is very easy and fun to play.

The game comes with:

1 pitching bag with 10 pitching chips in it. (4 different strikes, 4 different balls, a pop out and a take your base).

9 batting chips for both players.. (4 singles, 2 doubles, 1 triple and 2 homeruns).

1 set of instructions.

Play 9 innings or however many you want to

1.  The player that is at bat puts one of his/her batting chips in the pitching bag along with all the other pitching chips.

2.  The pitcher mixes up all the chips in the bag and starts drawing out one chip at a time until,

      a.  The batting chip is drawn.  Place it on a base. (If the batter played a triple, you would put the chip on 3rd base). All other batters already on base move the same amount of bases.

      b.  3 strikes or the pop out chip is drawn.  Take batting chip out of the bag and put it aside in a used batter pile.

      c.  4 balls or the Take your base chip is drawn.  Take batting chip out of the bag and put it on 1st base. (If other batters are on base, they only  move if they are forced to).

3.  Once you use a batter, you can't use it again until you use all batters in front of you. When you put your last batter in the pitching bag, all batters in the used batter pile are available again.

     All batters already on base or in the pitching bag will go to the used batter pile when done again.

     So you might never start an Inning with all nine batters available except the 1st inning.

4.  When the batter has 3 outs, switch roles.

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