Tennis / Pickleball


Tennis anyone? How about Pickleball? No sweating with these games because you don’t have to move your feet. Unless you need to walk to the fridge for some refreshments. MMMM Yummy!

Play singles or doubles.

If you don’t understand the rules, ask someone or just fake it.

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Tennis anyone? How about Pickleball? No sweating with these games because you don’t have to move your feet. Unless you need to walk to the fridge for some refreshments. MMMM Yummy!

Play singles or doubles.

If you don’t understand the rules, ask someone or just fake it.

Tennis anyone? How about Pickleball? No sweating with these games because you don’t have to move your feet. Unless you need to walk to the fridge for some refreshments. MMMM Yummy!

Play singles or doubles.

If you don’t understand the rules, ask someone or just fake it.